He came out of nowhere to become a national phenomenon. He first stepped on stage as a nine year old guess poser at the NPC Jr. Nationals and the audience was completely blown away by his size and development. No one had ever seen anything like it at the time, a 4’7 inch kid with short, blond hair that could step on a bodybuilding stage and take it over and make it his. The crowd was on its feet the moment he stepped off to the side and actually yelled for an encore. He came back out for about a minute and hit poses that drove the crowd into a frenzy, he was a total hit and the promoters scratched their heads with a smile on their faces. Here was a short nine year old boy, coming in with condition and size that rivaled most heavyweights and beat many of them. He saw the dollar signs that this kid could produce, a nine year old bodybuilder, going against adult male bodybuilders and possibly winning, even if he was a foot and a half shorter and most likely weighed less than half of what they weighed.
The main promoter, Steve Saggs, approached the kid, whose name he had learned was Mike Stevens. They shook hands, Mike wasn’t squeezing hard at all, but Steve had to keep from wincing, his hand was hurting so much. Steve asked him all the regular questions and was surprised by most of the answers. 9 years old, 4’7.5 height, 130 pounds weight, had been weightlifting for 4 years, has already, at 9 years old, benched 400 pounds, thanks to genetics and supplements. He had gotten involved in gymnastics at 5 years old, and at some point found that he had a natural strength that made him the best in his age group. His coach asked him if he had ever lifted a weight, and the five year old said no sir, but I do exercise a lot, doing pull-ups and push-ups, in fact, he was able to do one arm pull-ups and push-ups easily. He had never been to a gym before, but imagined he would be good at it, because he was always naturally strong, strong enough to beat his nine year old brother arm wrestling. But the local junior weightlifting program was set up for 6 year olds and above. So from 6 years old on, Mike was lifting every day after school and to the amazement of his parents and the bodybuilders at the gym, he got bigger and bigger every week, month and year. Steve asked what Mike benched his first time, get this, a 3 foot tall, 55 pound kid got up 95 pounds the first time he even touched the weight. He said by the time he was seven one armed push-ups weren’t challenging enough so he did them with three 45 pound school friends on his back. At eight, he benched 300 pounds for the first time, wowing the crowd that seemed to gather around whenever he lifted. He was 4’3 and 90 pounds then and his muscles were already quite developed. So, Steve said, you gained 100 pounds on your bench and 20 pounds of muscle in just a year, that’s incredible, then Steve asked if he could measure Mike’s muscles. He looked at his parents questionably and they nodded, so Steve took out a measuring tape and started at his calves. Oh my god, Steve thought to himself, 18 inches, I didn’t have 18 inch calves until I was 21 years old, and I had worked out for 7 years to that point! Thighs 29 inches, incredible on a kid so short, waist 18 inches, the same as his calves, that is unreal. Chest, 50 inches, this kid is 55 inches tall, his chest is only 5 inches less than his height. Shoulders are 36 inches wide, not huge, but this is a nine year old kid! Finally, his pride and joys, his biceps, 20 inches, making him proportionally the largest bodybuilder on the planet, inch for inch, pound for pound.
Steve couldn't believe what he was seeing, this nine year old kid, through superior genetics and training, had built a body that surpassed just about every body he had ever had the pleasure to look at through his 15 years of promoting. He asked his parents what they thought of Mike seriously going into bodybuilding, as in competing on a national and then professional level. Both Mike's mother and father were supportive of Mike's stated profession and would only help him to become the best he could be, so obviously they agreed. The next contest-about 3 months later, Mike was there, but not as a guest poser, he was a real competitor. He had grown a little in those three months, now he was a few weeks away from his 10th birthday, he was 4'9 and weighed 160 pounds of muscle. The package he bought to the stage was incredible to see, because his muscles had grown in proportion and looked even bigger then they did three months ago. Steve couldn't help but feel enormous pride from his discovery, not only did Mike win his class, the lightweight division, but he dominated in the overall, making guys a foot and a half taller and maybe up to 200 pounds heavier look like total wimps compared to his incredible body! The heaviest guy and heavyweight winner in the show was 335 pounds and his muscles were huge beyond all the other adults in the show, but when he and Mike went head to head in the overall he couldn't help but feel inferior to the pre-teen's stunning physique. On bicep poses alone this kid blew the superheavy away, even though the big guy's arms were a little over 3 inches bigger around, but he was 6'4" so proportionally Mike's 21 inch arms were a lot bigger than this guy's 24 inch arms. The crowd oohed and aaahed through Mike's posing routine and were left in disbelief when he compared against the much heavier class winners. It was no contest, Mike won it running away.
Mike was enthusiastic, jumping around like the kid he was backstage, not caring how it made him look to the bodybuilders back there. Steve greeted Mike with a big hug and said "You knocked dead, kid, you are the biggest thing to hit bodybuilding since Arnold, you can't go anywhere but up from here, Mike." So, Mike and Steve got to talking and Steve was once again surprised to learn of all the things Mike was capable of now. During the three months between contests Mike stepped up his training a lot, instead of working out for 3 hours a day, he worked out for 4 and a half. He dieted even harder and lifted heavier and heavier weights for more reps. "Remember when I told you I could bench 400 pounds 3 months ago, well now I use that as my warm-up weight, I have gotten so strong in the past 3 months that my max bench has gone up to 550 pounds, and even that has become a little easy in the past week. That’s right, through motivation and some non-steroid supplements, I upped my bench 150 pounds in less than 3 months, and I am not stopping there." Steve was shocked, this kid was unreal, not even the biggest of bodybuilders could claim a 150 pound gain in their bench in a year, this 9 year old kid gained it in a quarter of a year easily. Steve mentioned that Mike's muscles looked even bigger than 3 months ago and asked if he wanted to be measured again, Mike smiled and said "I thought you'd never ask." Mike brought out his own measuring tape, as the encounter at the last contest opened his eyes to the pleasure of measuring his own muscles. So Steve started at the calves and worked his way up again, 20 inch calves, 2 inches gained! 32 inch thighs, 3 inches gained! 17 inch waist, 1 inch lost!! 54 inch chest, 4 inches gained! 21 inch arms, 1 inch gained! This kid kept gaining muscle and weight and lost whatever fat he had left around his waist and looked like the perfect V shape of a bodybuilder, in fact it was more of a T because his shoulders were so proportionally wide and his lats flared out a little. So he had become the bodybuilding world's best in a little under three months in the sport.
Steve then signed Mike to appear at the Nationals, which if he could win, he would become a professional bodybuilder. Steve told Mike to train even harder, because the guys at the Nationals were a lot bigger than the guys at this level of competition. Mike would be 10 years old then, and if his condition here at this card would be any indication, the people at the next contest would be blown completely away by this kids body. So Mike was put to work, he had to be home schooled now, because his massive muscles made him stand out and the kids that didn't understand made fun of him. The last time that happened Mike put a kid in the hospital, he only hit the kid once in the stomach, but the kid was spitting up blood and convulsing in agony on the ground. He was expelled, thankfully the kids parents didn't file anything against him, but he knew he couldn't be trusted to keep his composure in any real school, so his parents taught him at home. Mike later told me he pulled the punch, he was only using about 25 percent of his power. I told him that most 10 year old kids have weak bodies compared to yours, Mike said, this kid was 14, and he had a decent body, nothing compared to him of course. Steve had of course kept in contact with Mike and his parents, because as Mike had said many times in interviews, Steve was about the only friend he found in bodybuilding, all the rest were out to get his money or steal his fame, Steve was only concerned with his personal well being. So they okayed it through his parents and everything was ready for his second bodybuilding show, and to tell you the truth there was nothing in Steve's mind that could stop him from winning the Nationals, even if the guys there would be big, Mike would be that much bigger.
So, the time came, two months later, Mike was 5 weeks into his 10th birthday and asked to meet Steve 4 hours before the contest started, so Steve agreed without even thinking about why. Mike showed up with a robe on, his muscles were partially obscured, but it was obvious exactly how muscular he was, his shoulders were unbelievably wide, and I could tell already that no matter how big the biggest guy in the contest would be, Mike would humiliate him with his size and definition. Both sat down and Steve asked him what he wanted to talk to me about. He said that since Steve had been a judge and promoter for 15 years, it would be best to come to Steve to ask how his condition appeared, and if he needed to change his routine any before the show. Steve, knowing that Mike couldn't possibly be beaten unless a minor miracle happened, asked why Mike would want to know this. Mike said, "I wanted to show you my body and see if you can see any weaknesses." At that point Mike took the robe off and Steve's eyes went wide with awe, even after seeing Mike perform twice, showing muscles that went beyond anything he had seen in his career, Mike still managed to trump himself. Wearing a tiny posing bikini that showed off everything that could be seen, Mike glowed in athletic glory, like a fabled football hero. Indeed, not only had Mike managed to add more muscle to his body, but he was able to define his muscles even more from the last contest, every muscle that could be found on his body, from his traps to his calves could be perfectly seen, and striations and veins covered at least 90 percent of these muscles. It was an absolute sight to see, Steve, while straight, couldn't help but get erect at the Boy God that stood in front of him. Steve was speechless for at least three minutes, as he scoped out every inch of Mike's incredible musculature. When he finally said something it was "How, I didn't think it was possible to surpass yourself, but you keep doing it, it seems like you have no limits as far as muscle size and definition is concerned, how do you do it?" Mike smiled and laughed with glee "I did just as you told me, I worked out harder than before, I dieted as much as I could, and I kept focused on becoming the biggest and strongest I could be, you helped me become this big, and I will be grateful to you forever, Steve."
Steve needed to ask what Mike's measurements were, as the questions were burnt into his brain. First though, Mike updated Steve on his height and weight, 5'0 and 175 pounds This time Steve couldn't wait, he went right to Mike's awesome biceps "23 inches, that is impossible on someone your height, but that’s what the measure says." Next chest, 60 inches, huge, and the same measure as his height! Waist 20 inches, his chest is three times the size of his waist. Thighs, 39 inches, not quite twice his waist, but very close. Finally calves, 23 inches, equaling his bicep measure, everything about Mike was huge but his height. Steve asked what class he wanted to be in, Mike said he would like to be in the heavyweights, but said that he would win that class easily, and wanted a final showdown with the biggest guy in the show, well height and weight wise at least. There was no question in Steve's mind that proportionally, Mike was the biggest, he had arms that were only 3 inches less than the largest competitor here, and that man was 6'5 and 348 pounds, a difference of 1'5" and 173 pounds, but if Mike and Jorgen Denis stood side by side, it would be Jorgen who would feel small. Mike decided to go to the middleweight class, because he felt that’s right where his weight would fit, and he would have fun posing beside these guys, knowing that any two of them could still not be as big and hard and defined as he was, and it turned him on to a certain extent. So I registered him under the middleweights, it wasn't open class of course, most people had to be fitted into their weight class by weight, but Mike was a special exception. There was one last question Steve had to have answered "Mike, have you gotten any stronger over the past two months." Steve was almost salivating for the ten year old's response. Mike said "Oh yeah, I took your advice to lift harder and heavier and I did, I lifted 5 and a half hours everyday and I upped my poundages, it was so easy with the motivation you gave me." Steve asked for specific numbers, going out of his mind in anticipation. Mike said "Well, you thought that my gain from 400 to 550 in 3 months time was impressive, well how about a 750 pound bench press, a full 200 pounds in only 2 months, and now, I can curl 400 pounds. In fact, the most amazing feat of strength I have done wasn't even using my regular weights, I managed to lift the back end of my mom's SUV off the ground, only using my right hand, my mom just about fainted when she saw that!" Steven almost did as well, as he came in his pants from the sheer strength that this 10 year old possessed.
Steve and Mike spoke like that for two hours, but the time just passed for them, because of the sheer joy and awe of Steve seeing what Mike had become, and from Mike answering all Steve's questions, no matter how stupid or irrelevant they might have seemed at the time. Mike put his robe back on, not wanting to show his body before the contest, as not to freak out or embarrass his fellow competitors, it was amazing for all the men though to see this little kid walking around with shoulders wider than some of theirs. Mike was being advertised as the greatest bodybuilder of all time, even before he reached puberty, and he definitely lived up to those expectations and then some. When he was called out against the middleweights, there was no comparison, he just blew everyone away, the size, definition, and symmetry of his muscles were just too perfect to allow anyone to get even close to him. He achieved a perfect score, and received the loudest standing ovation that has ever been recorded at a bodybuilding event, even louder when you consider that the whole auditorium was packed to the rafters to see this incredible specimen of pre-teen male muscle. His posing routine was something to see, as not only he hit devastating muscle poses that sent the crowd into an absolute frenzy, he also did acrobatic moves that could only be duplicated by the most skilled male gymnasts, it was unreal how he could such brutal muscle and such agile grace into one package. His routine brought many a tear as well as many a climax from the mostly female audience, but even the males couldn't help but be aroused by Mike's incomprehensible display of male muscle. Well, the overall went just the same way, even though he towered over Mike by a foot and a half, Jorgen, the heavyweight winner, could only go through the motions, as Mike took the stage over and proceeded to wipe the floor with his competition. In the end it was unanimous, Mike was the overall winner and became the youngest professional bodybuilder in the long and storied history of bodybuilding. It was the best rated bodybuilding show on TV up to that point as well, as 800,000 people watched from home as the boy set the bodybuilding world on its ear. Steve was there the whole time, smiling in pride, with a tear of joy running down his left cheek. To be continued?
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